Page 399 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 399
There may come a time when you have to be separated from someone you truly love in your heart. Please understand that sometimes time alone is the greatest
gift you can give to another. Sometimes we “want” more, and sometimes we want to avoid love. These are the merely temporary delusions of the ego, not, the
pure love that resides within our deepest heart and soul.
Forgiveness can be replaced with compassionate understanding. When we truly understand, there is no need for a formal apology. When we love purely, there
is only compassion and understanding.
We all deserve pure love. However, to receive it, we have to first learn how to give it, first to ourselves and then to another.
Never having to say you’re sorry means that you know you are loved truly for who you are. You are accepted. In order to give this kind of love to someone else,
we first have to love and accept ourselves with the utmost loving compassion, understanding, and carry no self-judgment.
It is when we stop manipulating our own personality into something we are not, that we can love someone else purely. This takes great conscious effort, and the
desire to grow to become so pure and heart centred that the ego melts away.
When this happens, we know we are loved by self in the most genuine manner, and then we will also know that we are ready to give such a pure, unconditional
love to someone else.
We can understand mistakes. We can understand growth. We can understand time spent apart means that time is needed in order to grow.
When you love someone, you will know in your heart that your love never died. You feel their presence in your heart, even if they are out of your life. Sometimes,
we may not always get what we want in life, however, we will always get what we need in order to grow. We may not consciously ask for certain situations, but
on a spiritual level, we brought them into our lives in order to heal, grow and learn what pure love is truly all about.
Accept and understand that you have always done the best job you knew how to do at any particular time with the knowledge and level of growth you had at that
time. With the benefit of that understanding, you can extend that same understanding to the other person from your heart, and that is why you will not require
them to say: “I’m sorry.”
You will understand, and they will understand. It is that pure understanding that allows what may have bruised our hearts to melt away. Once our fears and ego
are out of the way, we truly can love purely.
You will never have to say you’re sorry to someone you truly love that genuinely loves you. You will only ever have to be yourself, that is all you will ever need
to do.