Page 408 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 408
What characteristics to look for in an ideal partner
Many thousands of research pages into the field of human relationships, can be distilled into a bullet point list of ideal qualities & attitudes of both
partners. Whilst it would be unreasonable to expect any one person to be the master of all of these points, a genuine commitment to improving or attaining
more of these attributes will improve your chances of enjoying a healthy long-lasting relationship. As you read through the list, ask yourself if either you
or your partner are excelling or deficient in important areas.
Committed to learning everything to be a better partner Commitment to Personal Growth Controls jealousy
Committed to supporting personal growth of partner Maturity & a sense of Responsibility Shows appreciation and pride
Acknowledges and admires praiseworthy qualities Creates right mix of certainty & Spontaneity Shows true feelings of affection
Shows an awareness of avoiding hurt for partner Always contributing value to the relationship Emotionally Open
Always seeking to make a financial contribution Self dependant – maintains own character Positive Attitude towards Life
Keeps asking questions to learn about the other as they grow Relationship doesn’t solve all life problems Honesty, Integrity & Trustworthy
Identifies the areas of incompatibility and works on them Compassionate, accepting and understanding Seeks to be authentic with the other
importance of differences in views and attitudes Keeps passion alive in the relationship Expresses feelings readily
Practices quiet forgiveness and acceptance consistently Focuses on partners positive qualities Release pressure from the partner
Eliminates the influence of guilt in the relationship Avoids situations that give cause to be doubted Always seeks to be significant
Doesn’t ignore potential problems, deals with them Right mix of selfless and selfish attitudes Flexible and embraces change
Knows value of real moments of love and happiness Believes love in itself is not enough Not use relationship as a crutch
Happy mix of freedom and boundaries in the relationship Romance : feels it, displays it, often Pays attention and shows it
Manages and controls their own needy-ness & self esteem Earn trust and respect with consistent character Doesn’t justify or wear masks
Avoids circumstances when they are draining the other Sense of fun and love of life with a passion Equality in the relationship
Unconditional, non judgmental acceptance of the other Sees friendship as the most important element Maintains own High Self Esteem
Passion, keeps the electricity and chemistry flowing Encourages open and honest communication Has courage to love deeply
Strives to achieve a balance of control, happy for both Manages own expectations to avoid resentment Easy going and liked by others
Knows what attracted the other, maintains and builds upon it Avoids manipulative tactics to control the other Reliable
Remains always capable of meeting emotional needs Shares innermost thoughts and experiences Polite and respectful
Takes care of themselves physically, diet, exercise Sensitive to how the partner is feeling Warm and friendly
Unafraid of expressing love in looks, words, touch, gestures Character commands respect from others Kind and considerate
Wants partners happiness as much as their own Doesn’t clam up or allow issues to fester Calm. Uses anger wisely
Wants to progress in life and relationship Enjoys discussion of ideas and thoughts Honest with themselves
Interested in events outside relationship Open to opinions and feelings of others Confident and independent
Works on compatibility to nurture needs of other Shares values on important issues Page408
Satisfies physical needs of the other Unafraid of commitment in all areas