Page 10 - Microsoft Word - Sparta A4 Product Flyers March 2020
P. 10
Helmets and Leathers Insurance What is not insured?
This product is available to UK residents only, and cover is Any loss of value after we made a payment to
provided in the event of damage to motorcycle clothing, as a
result of a road traffic incident involving a motorcycle owned settle a claim.
and ridden by the Insured Person. Any loss of or damage sustained to any clothing
or other property belonging to any other
What is insured? person, including your passengers.
The cost of replacing any undamaged
motorcycle clothing forming part of a pair or
The cost of repair or replacement, if damaged beyond repair, set of the same type, colour or design if the
of motorcycle clothing (leather and synthetic clothing, damage happens to a particular area or specific
helmet, boots and gloves specifically designed for use whilst part and a replacement cannot be matched.
riding a motorcycle), as a result of a road traffic accident up Motorcycle clothing where insured under
to a limit of £1,500. another policy.
Claims where the insured motorcycle is being
Are there any restrictions on cover? used for any of the following:
We will not pay the first £50 of any claim. o Dispatch, courier and messenger services, or
o food delivery;
o Racing, pace making or being in any contest or
What is not insured? speed trial (Road safety rallies and treasure
Any damage to the motorcycle clothing that hunts will be covered);
occurred before the start date of the policy. o Riding off road, on any race track, circuit or
Direct or indirect loss or damage to the motorcycle derestricted toll roads;
clothing caused by, contributed to, or arising from o Trials (apart from where the insured
the following: motorcycle is travelling on a road which the
o wear and tear or rot of any kind; public has access to).
o any gradually operating cause including but not
o limited to fungus, mildew, insect or vermin;
o theft;
o accidental damage (other than as a result of a
o road traffic accident);
o loss of value of the item.