Page 8 - PGM Foundation_Neat
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PGM Generates funding from
the sale of the its solutions
portfolio towards giving more
to causes that are aligned to the
sustainable growth of the
The organization is constantly
seeking to nd causes that will
feed into the organizational
goals and grow it giving nature.
Tshogang Trust was founded as a small Through its work, the need to also to reach out
neighborhood support group in 2001, which to youth, orphans and vulnerable children
cared and encouraged people in the community (OVCs) and their families was recognized. TSG
living with HIV and /or AIDS. Situated in opened its doors to these members of the
Mogoditshane village in Botswana it has grown community, assisting them and their families /
into a community organization a liated with the guardians in whichever way needed and
Batswana Network of People Living with possible. In February 2008, TSG became regis-
HIV/AIDS (BONEPWA) in 2005, operating as an tered and o cially recognized as Tsogang Trust
HIV and AIDS support group under the name of (TT).
Tsogang Support Group (TSG), dealing with all
the members of the community infected or
a ected by HIV and AIDS (i.e. children, youth and