Page 5 - PGM Foundation_Neat
P. 5



                                                                       Sustainability is at the heart of
                                                                       every initiative that a business will
                                                                       embark upon, it is important that
                                                                       the sustainability agenda of every
                                                                       organization be geared beyond

                                                                       just the  nancial aspect of the
                                                                       organizational initiative but also
                                                                       look towards the environmental
                                                                       impact and the communities that
                                                                       are directly a ected by these

          The PGM Security solutions will draw form              The solutions will ensure and assure the custom-
          industry based experience to assist organiza-          er of safety, due care and consideration to their
          tions and event coordinators with  planning,           wellbeing and those around them as well as
          execution and management  of the  most                 display a level of professionalism be tting to the
          critical component that feeds the event                reputation and brand of the organizer as well as
          sustainability agenda, which is the people that        protect the organizer’s investment against
          frequent the speci c events, to assure a favor-        vandalization and damages.
          able event experience.
                                                                 Allowing the crowds to have the freedom, while
                                                                 protecting them against danger through e ec-
                                                                 tive crowd management.
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