Page 28 - ASPIRE AUGUST 2022 Vol 7 Issue 3
P. 28

                               REPRODUCTIVE SURGERY SIG (includes Minimal Invasive Surgery)
Herbert Situmorang (Indonesia) Huang Xiaowu (China) Antonia Habana (Philippines)
New techniques and instruments contribute to continuous improvement in reproductive surgery
By Professors Maria Antonia Habana and Huang Xiao-Wu and Associate Professor Herbert Situmorang
Reproductive surgery remains an important pillar in infertility management. Uterus and adnexal disease are among common problems mainly treated with surgery.
New surgical techniques and instruments contribute to continuous improvement in the practice of reproductive surgery. Minimal invasive surgery in practice and in our philosophical approach must be instilled in our daily work.
The ASPIRE Reproductive Surgery Special Interest Group has conducted two webinars covering office hysteroscopy and surgical treatment in mullerian anomalies.
The ASPIRE 2022 Pre-Congress Course explored the topic Value of Reproductive Surgery: State of the Art.
It covered a wide range of issues including:
• the role of reproductive surgery in infertility management;
• surgical treatment in Asherman syndrome; • uterine myoma and adenomyosis;
• state-of-the-art in tubal surgery;
• ovarian preservation; and
• adhesion prevention.
We convey our sincere gratitude to the speakers who contribute to our webinar and congress programs. Special thanks to the ASPIRE administrative team, including Yanny and Jing, who helped us in organisational affairs.
All material videos can be accessed via the ASPIRE Eduportal website.
We invite colleagues from all over the globe, especially the Asia Pacific region, to learn from each other and share their expertise in our SIG. You can join our SIG as a member of ASPIRE.
Meanwhile, we are working with the ASPIRE Endometriosis SIG to plan a collaborative course on endometriosis surgery.
We hope members participate in that coming event.

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