Page 275 - Nji jete ne mes kosoves
P. 275

Ndihmoi materialisht kushërinjtë e tij sa herë që kishin nevojë për ndihmën e tij.
Metë Bajraktari mbeti njeri i dashur në mesin e bashkatdhetarëve në New York. Ai ia doli të ruante dy breza të familjes së tij larg ndikimeve asimiluese. Ai kultivoi tek pasardhësit ndjenjën e borxhit që kanë ndaj atdheut, deri në lirinë e plotë të tij”, theksoi Xhafer Krasniqi.
Met Bajraktari’s Life Through The Eyes of His Granddaughter
By Bukurije Osmani
For hours last night I tried to figure out what Baba Met’s life was suppose to teach all of us. What was it that God wanted us to learn from him and how he did things? When I sat down to come up with the answers, I came up with so many that I didn’t know where to start. So I decided to focus on a few of the most important lessons that I learned from my grandfather.
I think the most important thing Baba taught all of us was to be strong and never give up. No matter now hard or scary the situation may be, you have to face it head on and fight through it until the end; and that is what he always did all the way through his life and up until the end. Baba Met wasn’t afraid to try anything even when he wasn’t sure of the outcome.
The best example I can give to illustrate how strong and courageous he really was is when he came to America. Not many men at the age of 43 would uproot their wives and children from the safety and security of what they considered home to bring them half way around the world to this foreign land to start all over again, especially when they didn’t know what to expect when they got here. He didn’t know how he would make it or even if he would make it, but that didn’t stop him.
The only thing that he was sure of was that he was determined to make a better life for himself and his family. And once Baba was determined to do something, there wasn’t anything anyone could do or

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