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P. 278

  My Grandfather Was A Great Man
By Gani Bajraktari
There are many characteristics that someone must learn before they are considered a man. Honor, responsibility, commitment and pride are a few.
My grandfather was a man. His commitment to better our lives and the responsibility it placed on him will not be forgotten, as well as the honor he had for his family which could easily be seen by anyone, as well as how he always carried himself with immense pride. Honor and pride played a great role in his life as well as his family’s life for it was the foundation of all his teaching to myself as well as my two brothers.
If one were to take manhood a step higher, he would be a leader, but in order for one to achieve this height, he must possess the ability to motivate people to strive higher. He must have integrity, which puts truth behind his words, and above all, he must be willing t sometimes sacrifice his own well-being of other.
Looking back, my grandfather was also a leader.
Motivation and integrity came from the fact that he led by example. If he said he was going to do it, he did, which in turn motivated other people to follow him and strive to achieve what he accomplished. But being a leader is one thing and being a great man is another. In my view, a great man does not only have the characteristics of a man and a leader but others as well. He must possess a vision, to see that there is opportunity somewhere else and the courage and determination to make that vision a reality and not to let one’s fears stand in the way.
And he needs perseverance, to persist through the hard times, which through life, come more often than we would like.
My grandfather was a great man. Great for vision, which saw there was opportunity and a chance for a better life across the Atlantic in the United States. Great for his courage, to leave his homeland, with his family and settle in an unfamiliar territory, not knowing the language or culture, and possessing very few skills. Great for determination and

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