Page 279 - Nji jete ne mes kosoves
P. 279

perseverance, which allowed him to keep on going, even when the going got tough. It allowed him to keep going when the realization that “the streets are not paved with gold and people do not give you what you want” set in. Instead of packing up and leaving, he went right to work.
Its because of my grandfather that my family is at the point where we are today. And the characteristics that made him such a great man are the same ones I am trying to duplicate within myself. In effect, I have made my grandfather my idol.
In closing, while many people think that my grandfather has left us, he has not. For he still lives in me and my brothers, in the motivation an hope he gave us, the hope that one day we could be but a fraction of the great man he was.
God bless you, Baba. Peace be with you wherever you may be. We all love you.
The writer made these remarks at the wake of his grandfather, Mete Bajraktari, who is also the father of the former publisher of Illyria, Harry Bajraktari.
Pas shërbimeve fetare të bërë nga Imam Isa Hoxha, qindra bashkatdhetarë e përcollën të ndjerin në shtëpinë e përjetshme në varrezat e xhamisë në Long Island.
Me të kryer ceremonia e varrimit në shenjë nderimi për babain, djali i tij Harry për të gjithë pjesëmarrësit në varrim, shtroi një drekë në Gino’s Restaurant në Allerton Avenue, në Bronx.

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