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P. 30


                 An application letter also known as a cover, should be sent or uploaded with your resume

               when applying for jobs. The job application letters you send explain to the employer why you
               are qualified for the position and why you should be selected for an interview. You can use

               the letter to highlight relevant information from your resume, without  duplicating it.

               The following are abbreviations that are often found in application letters. Match the
               abbreviations with the correct words.

                   1)  St.                         a) General Post Office
                   2)  Corp.                       b) for the attention of

                   3)  Co.                         c) incorporated

                   4)  CV                          d) company
                   5)  GPO                         e) street

                   6)  Inc.                        f) curriculum vitae
                   7)  Attn.                       g) corporation

                        STUDENTS ‘
                       WORKSHEET 1

               1.  Listen to a monolog. Then, fill in the blanks.
                                                                                         Proof of the
                      No.            Things to Discuss              Your Answer

                      a.    The name of company/corporation
                            mentioned in the monolog

                      b.    The position / job offered

                      c.    The job description
                      d.    The requirements needed

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