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P. 15

How to make Offer Informally

                     How about ... getting together after the meeting?
                     Do you want .... another opinion?
                     Can I ... get you some more coffee?
                     Can I help you?
                     Let me help you
                     Let me give you my hand.
                     Can you give me a hand with this?
                     Can I ask a favour?

                     Can you help me?
                     Help me, please.
                     I really need you to help
                     Do me a favour, please

               How to Offer to  Do Something

                   Shall I                      help you move into your new flat
                   Would You like me
                   Do you want me to

               B. ACCEPTING and REFUSING OFFER

                 When people offering help or offering to do something to you, you can accept or refuse
                  the offer politely.

                 Here some expression you can use :
                 HOW to ACCEPT the OFFER

                   Yes, please                          Thank you

                   That’s very kind of you              Thanks a lot
                   Oh, you would you really             Thank awfully

                   Oh, that would be marvelous          Thanks a million
                   Thanks, I am very much obliged       Thank you very much

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