Page 11 - FASTSIGNS Case Study Book
P. 11

Venetian Isles                                              REAL ESTATE/RENTAL AND LEASING

            Luxury Housing Community Modernized with Architectural Finishes
            The Challenge                                       managed the permitting, code compliance and
            Castle Group, a property management company,        zoning process with the county .
            needed the decades-old signs and graphics at their
            Venetian Isles property updated with a modern look   Near the main road leading to the property, large
            to appeal to younger generations and stand out in   monument signs were updated with the new
            the market .                                        finishes, transforming them to look more modern
                                                                and luxurious . Water fountain feature walls that line
            The Solution                                        the iron fence were also updated with the look of
            FASTSIGNS  worked with the homeowner’s              natural stone and marble, along with the Venetian
            association (HOA) board and the management          Isles gold “V” and the security gatehouse tower
            company, presenting both traditional and contemporary   columns . Electrical boxes were wrapped with
            designs . While natural stone has an elegant and    printed green vinyl to blend in with the surrounding
            timeless look, the hot and humid Florida climate    natural greenery and refreshed exterior directional
            causes damage to natural stone . The team           and parking signs help guide visitors and residents .
            researched different materials, composite
            substrates and 4K-printed vinyl applications to     The Result
            see if they could provide the visual impression and   The property was visually transformed, appearing
            lasting quality of stone and marble, at an affordable   to have new physical signs and graphics . By applying
            cost. Once the new brand look was solidified,       unique finishes to existing structures, FASTSIGNS
            full-scale replicas of the proposed new monument    was able to update the look of the entire property
            signs were created for the HOA board members        quickly and affordably.
            and existing residents to review. FASTSIGNS then
                                                                *This project was completed by FASTSIGNS  of Boca Raton, FL.

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