Page 10 - August 2020
P. 10

Shared Interest Group Announcements

                                     Line Dancing                                                             Shutter Bugs
         We are all asking, "when can we get back to our group activities?"      very useful training videos on YouTube.  Here is one more: https://
         Unfortunately, it doesn't look like it will be anytime soon.  Hang in there!  And here is one final site
         As soon as it is known when we can resume the Line Dance class, you     from Zoom that has many great tutorials you may want to review. This
         will be notified. In the meantime, remember to count your blessings.    site is great for all or us to learn more about using Zoom Controls etc.

                                                                                 If you still have questions please contact me or one of the steering
                                    Orchid Group
                                                                                 committee members for assistance “PRIOR” to the August meeting.
         The Orchid Group wishes you all a healthy and safe shelter in place.
         While you're home you may be thinking it would really be great to have   All club members are encouraged to make sure they become a member
         a new hobby since you have more time on your hands than usual. And      of our Facebook Group at:
         what could be more rewarding than growing an orchid! They bring a lot   groups/436603713658143
         of happiness and peace to an otherwise hectic and stressful life. When                                  Singles
         you're ready to take your orchid growing to the next level (learn how to
         help them thrive and rebloom), join us at one of our future meetings     Join us for fun and games at our next Zoom
         which happens the first Saturday of the month every other month.        Singles meeting on Sunday August 23 at 5 pm.
                                                                                 Bring a cocktail or food or both to enjoy while we
                                     Shutter Bugs
                                                                                 participate in a couple of fun games and activities.
         Hello fellow Shutterbugs.                                               Please prepare for the fun by having an 8 1/2 X 11
         Our next meeting is scheduled for August 6th at 2pm.                    sheet of paper, a pen, and a pencil (both) handy
         We will be conducting this meeting using Zoom.  An                      before the meeting begins.  Zoom information will be sent to members
         invitation will go out to all Shutterbug members with                   several days before the meeting.
         the link for the meeting.
                                                                                                              Team Trivia
         As a follow on to the very interesting article shared to
         us by Norm Vig, this Month’s presentation will be from our resident
         Black & White Pro Gary Wagner.                                           A big shout-out to everybody from your Team Trivia hosts!  We miss
                                                                                 you all and hope you are staying safe and healthy.
         iPhone Photography for Everybody: Black & White Landscape
         Techniques (iPhone Photography for Everybody Series)
                                                                                                              Wii Bowling
         Gary Wagner will make a presentation on taking black and white
         landscape photos using the iPhone camera. The material for his          The Wii Bowling Group usually plays on the first Saturday of every
         presentation comes from Gary’s new book, titled: “iPhone Photography    month.   We are on hold until such time as The Retreat re-opens.   Please
         for Everybody: Black and White Landscape Techniques”. The book was  watch your email for future updates.  Continue to be safe and stay
         published in May 2020 by Amherst Media and is available at Amazon.      healthy.
         His book is intended for use with the iPhone but the techniques will
         apply to almost any phone camera. The presentation will cover: photo                          Wine Appreciation (WAG)
         capture, processing apps and popular subject material for black and white
         photography.                                                             Hello WAG Members!  Well here we are in the middle of July and the
         For this month’s theme we are encouraging you bring a couple of your    beginning of August with no end in sight of getting back to anything
         favorite photos that you turned in to B&W for our show and tell.  We    “normal”.  It was so disappointing to not have our annual WAG BBQ
         would like to hear why you chose the ones our chose and how did         and it looks like there will be no annual Food & Wine Festival this year.
         changing them to B&W affect the feel and mood of your photo.            Although we are missing out on these events, the most important thing
                                                                                 through all of this is to be safe and take good care.
         If you have questions about this assignment please reach out to one of
         the steering committee members and we would be happy to fill in more    For a short period of time some of the local wineries were able to reopen,
                                                                                 but as of the writing of this article, Placer County has had to shut down
         We will then leave at least an hour to show some of our members work    again.  Right now, El Dorado, Amador, and Nevada Counties remain
         from this project.                                                      open with restrictions. Thanks to Dee & Brian Parry, they provided these

         I would highly encourage you to test your knowledge of sharing using    tips:  If you belong to any wine clubs call to see if they are open and
         Zoom.  If you have not learned how to share or even if you have done    arrange a pick up. Bring a lunch and eat at a park.  You can go online and
         some limited sharing I strongly encourage you to watch these videos:    see which local wineries are open for tasting.  Bring a lunch and eat on There are some             the grounds if they permit it or order food from them and eat there. One

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