Page 4 - May 2020
P. 4


                       Yelena Parikova

                                                                                 When reviewing your door hanger, you will notice either Red,
             Dear Homeowners,                                                   Yellow or White check marks:
                                                                                White: No painting is needed
            We are honored to manage your association, and we will continue to  Yellow: Some wear is noted, but maintenance is not required in the
            support the operations of your community through this challenging   current year
            time. I hope that you, your family, friends, and neighbors are safe and  Red: Maintenance is required in the current year
            well and are taking the necessary precautions to keep it that way.
            Below are some updates we hope you will find helpful:               Homeowners receiving a Red check mark have to the end of 2020 to
                                                                                complete any work. We are asking the homeowners to respond to the
            Tree Trimming                                                       survey within 90 days of receiving the doorhanger by sending an
            Japanese Maple trimming is coming to the community in May. The      email to The association is aware of the delays
            trimming will be performed by Capital Arborist, Inc, who have been  many are experiencing due to COVID-19 at this time. If you have a
            specifically contracted to perform this delicate service. The trimming  special circumstance please reach out to me for more information.
            is scheduled to begin May 18th and should continue through the end  All information collected from the surveys is currently being
            of the week. An email reminder/announcement will be sent a week     managed and updated by the Director of Operations. If you have any
            prior to the trimming taking place.                                 questions or issues please contact me, at  or
                                                                       and I will be happy to answer all your questions.
            A note from Capital Arborists:

            “Accurate pruning encourages the well being and beauty of your      Exterior Painting
            trees, and provides a wealth of benefits to help them thrive.       This has become a very hot topic in the recent months so here is some
            Expert pruning helps:                                               helpful information to help you through the process.  Approval is
            -Encourage healthy growth                                           required prior to painting your home. If choosing to paint your home
            -Reduce excess weight and prevent breakage from storms or summer    with the original colors, a "Fast Track" application must be submitted
            heat                                                                to the Association. If choosing a different paint scheme an Exterior
            -Remove dead branches and promote long term beauty of the tree      Modification application must be completed, and the following
            -Keep trees away from home structures to prevent pests and damage   criteria must be met: One of the original (23) paint schemes must be
            -Properly establish healthy structure of young trees                chosen. These various color schemes are available at The Retreat,
                                                                                community website, and can be sent to you via email. To ensure
                                                                                similar paint schemes are not in conflict with surrounding homes,
            At Capital Arborists, our team believes tree and landscape care isn't   ARC applications must include pictures of surrounding homes (to the
            just a skill - it's a science. As ISA Certified Arborists, our education   left, right, and directly across the street from home being painted).
            lets us understand the science within your outdoor ecosystem, so we   The ARC will continue to review submittals on the 4  Wednesday of
            can integrate it into every service we provide, offering truly      every month by email. The application form, attachments and
            individualized and comprehensive service. We’re here to be a wealth   accompanying documentation must be submitted to the Association
            of knowledge and practical skill that will help you keep your outdoor   for forwarding to the ARC by 12 noon on the Friday prior to the next
            surroundings beautiful for years to come. We’re driven to help your   scheduled meeting. Appeals of denied applications must be submitted
            trees and landscape thrive, and we’re proud to be leading our industry   in writing to the Board of Directors via email to Pamela Ciapessoni at
            to a new standard of expert-driven personal tree care. “   For details about the forms and
                                                                                submittal processes please contact me, Yelena Parikova via email
            Painting Survey                                            and I will be happy to walk you though the
            The Board of Directors chartered the Ad hoc Painting Committee in   process and answer all your questions.
            2019 and requested that the committee conduct a street-view survey
            of all 704 homes in our community. Through their commitment and      During this time of uncertainty, we will do everything we can to
            diligence, the committee, was able to complete their survey on March   support this Community.
            13th. The committee recorded what they saw, and left a door hanger
            on each door, noting what work is needed, maybe consider in the     Thank you,
            future, or no work was required.                                    Yelena

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