Page 36 - March
P. 36
Jill Urfer
Jill Urfer = color. Influenced by
Impressionism, Jill sees color in simple
sketches and enhances them with her
interpretation. On Thursday at 1:30 at The
Retreat, Jill takes a Watercolor class from
Linda Kissela where Jill applies her own
unique techniques that she calls “fizzing”.
Fizzing is applying color to wet paper and
allowing the color to “fizz” out. She will take
a simple sketch, like the rural snow scene (below), and add a new dimension
with her color choices.
Jill is a native Californian who has lived mostly in the bay area.
She knew that she was destined to be an artist since she was in
the first grade. Although only working with water colors for
about 7 years, she has become more independent in her painting
by bringing simple sketches alive with color.
March 2020 Page 36