Page 4 - March
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FROM YOUR DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS                         pruning need. Arborwell’s crews are scheduled to perform the 2020
                                                                                Spring Tree Pruning for all areas from March 9  through March
                       Yelena Parikova                                             th
                                                                                20 .  Their crews typically arrive around 8:00 a.m. each day and finish
                                                                                by 3:30 p.m.
                       This year’s winter season seems to be quickly passing and   Please be aware of the workers, trucks, and trailers throughout the
                       spring is just around the corner. In preparation for the   community during this time.
           season GP landscaping is hard at work in performing irrigational
           maintenance and repairs throughout the community. If you notice a    If you have any questions regarding landscaping or tree maintenance
           small orange flag on your lawn, just know GP is marking areas that   or possibly have an issue that you would like to report, please don’t
           may require a repair and once completed the flags will be removed.
           Additionally, in preparation for the warmer weather, that is heading   hesitate to contact me anytime at
           our way, Fernando and his crew are working on turf fertilization,
           plants and shrub pruning, sod replacement, and weed spraying.        NOTE: did you know you may submit a landscape concern form via
                                                                                the website?  From the homepage click on contacts then click on
                                                                                forms and select “Submit a Landscape Concern”.  These come directly
           With GP working hard on maintaining our lawns, plants and shrubs,    to me and I will open a work order.  Non urgent work orders are
           Arborwell, our contracted tree service, will be busy at work         addressed each Friday and you very well may see me in your yard
           performing Spring tree pruning.  As licensed arborists, with their   with Fernando!
           wealth of knowledge of trees, they have evaluated all trees in our
           community and have put together a schedule of those trees that will
           need to be pruned this year. As arborists it is their responsibility to   Thinking of running for the Board? We want you! Please refer to Bob
           look at the species, age, and location of each tree to determine the   Blanton’s article for the timeline and details of this year’s election.
                                                                                Keep an eye out for email communications with more specifics.

                          FROM YOUR LIFESTYLE DIRECTOR
                                                                                EVENT                             DATE                   TIME
                        Shannon Van Every                                        Green Acres Presentation         Wed., March 4th         3:00pm
                                                                                 Chair Massage                    Sat., March 7th         9:00am
                                         Daylight saving time will begin         Scooter Presentation             Tues., March 17th       2:00pm
                                        at 2:00 AM on Sunday, March 8.           Hard Rock Casino Bus Trip        Wednesday, March 18th   10:00am
                                                                                 Lunch Around Town                Fri., March 20th       12:00pm
           May Water Classes are available for purchase starting Sunday,         Chair Massage                    Sat., March 21st        9:00am
           March 1st for the season. The water class schedule may be found on    Community Potluck                Tues., March 24th       6:00pm
           page 16.  Don’t forget your hat, sunscreen and bottled water to class!   It’s 5 O’clock Somewhere      Fri., March 27th        5:00pm

           Have you logged onto the community website?  Being active on the      Cooking with Mushrooms           Mon., March 30th        2:00pm
           website gives you access to Board Documents, the most up to date      Easter Egg Hunt                  Sat., April 11th        9:30am
           resident directory and event information.                             Down N Out Tax Party             Wed., April 15th       12:00pm
                                                                                 Our Nations Narrative in Movies   Thur., April 16th      4:00pm
           Are you on the Website?
            The Community Connections Committee will be on hand                  Pool Party                       Mon., April 20th       11:45am
           Thurs., March 26th at 3:00 p.m. to assist you with the following:     Shred Day                        Tues., April 21st      10:00am
                                                                                 Lunch Around Town                Fri., April 24th       12:00pm
            Setting up your username and password for the website              Golf Scramble                    Thur., April 30th       9:00am
            Uploading a picture to your website profile                        Cinco de Mayo                    Tues., May 5th          3:00pm
            Have a picture taken of you and then uploaded to your website
                                                                                 Guide Dogs for the Blind Presentation  Wed., May 6th     3:00pm
                                                                                 Lunch Around Town                Fri., May 15th         12:00pm
               More information about the March 26th website help class and      Reno Bus Trip                    Sun., May 17th          9:00am
               this month’s website tip can be found on page 35.                 Summer Music                     Thur., May 21st         7:00pm

                  Helping Hands invites ALL Residents to Coffee & Chat           Green Acres Presentation         Wed., May 27th          3:00pm
                     at The Retreat Fri., March 27th at 9:00 a.m.                Coloring Class - ON GOING        Mondays                 2:30pm
                  It’s a great way to meet your neighbors, while enjoying        Watercolor Class - ON GOING      Thursdays               1:30pm
                               some delicious goodies.

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