Page 11 - June 2020
P. 11
Shared Interest Group Announcements
Helping Hands 2.0 Orchid Group
It is with great pride that we were able to give $3330 to which happens the first Saturday of the month every other month. With a
the Placer Food Bank. Thank you to all who supported little luck and a lot of perseverance on our part, we may meet in July. But
us by purchasing tickets to the event. It was essentially if not, then September it will be. Please consider joining and learn about
sold out in less than 2 hours. Many of the Fashion the wonderful and interesting world of orchids.
Show and Luncheon ticket holders chose to have their
$30 ticket price donated. We chose the Placer Food Shutter Bugs
Bank because we knew it would be of immediate help to those residents
in Roseville and surrounding areas who were financially hit so hard Hello fellow Shutterbugs.
during this terrible pandemic. For those people who wished to have their As we continue with our current quarantine requirements here at the club
ticket price refunded, the checks were all shredded and the cash is we will, for the foreseeable future, hold Zoom meetings.
waiting to be given back as soon as we have a definitive time of when we
can do that at the Retreat. As soon as we know, you will be notified. Here are our thoughts for going forward. Our next meeting is scheduled
And we are still waiting for 20 ticket holders to contact for June 4th at 2pm. An invitation will go out to all Shutterbug members who have not yet responded to our request of with the link for the meeting a couple days before the meeting.
what you want us to do with your cash/check; donate or return. All
donations will go the Placer Food Bank. If anyone has other questions Once again, we will be showing a few interesting YouTube photography
please use the contact above. how to videos. We will have a Q&A after each video.
Helping Hands is always here for you. Although right now we cannot Prior to the meeting we would like to ask each member to do some
deliver meals to you, or run errands, we can still send cards. Please let us experimenting with different lighting techniques for taking photos
know if you or someone you know is ill or has lost a loved one and we outdoors in your garden or around you home. The idea is to see what
will get a card out right away. Please email . difference lighting can make in your photos. For example, it has been
We are hoping you are all safe and healthy, social distancing, and suggested that you take your auto sun screen and use it as a reflector on
wearing masks when you are out! And hopefully have a full supply of to your subject for front or side lighting enhancement. If you have
toilet paper!! questions about this assignment please reach out to one of the steering
committee members and we would be happy to fill in more details.
Line Dancing
We will then leave at least a half hour to show some of our members
Since we are now required to "shelter in place" line dance class is work from this project.
temporary suspended, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy the physical
and mental benefits of dancing. Put on some music and dance around We also would encourage our members when they are out enjoying some
your house. It will be the best "feel good" medicine you can give sunshine away from the crowd, we may find unique opportunities to take
yourself. So turn up the music and dance. Nobody is watching! photos without the usual throngs of people in the photo.
We will continue to monitor the situation as we go forward and we are
waiting for the time when we can all meet and enjoy each other’s
All club members are encouraged to make sure they become a member
of our Facebook Group at:
groups/436603713658143. This is a great place to easily share your
photos. Give it a try.
Orchid Group
The Orchid Group wishes you all a healthy and safe shelter in place. For questions please contact Lou Frank at or any of
While you're home you may be thinking it would really be great to have your steering committee members.
a new hobby since you have more time on your hands than usual. And
what could be more rewarding than growing an orchid! They bring a lot Stay safe and we’ll see in our Zoom. Should you need a little additional
of happiness and peace to an otherwise hectic and stressful life. When help getting started with Zoom the Digital World Club and the Apple
you're ready to take your orchid growing to the next level (learn how to club have put together a great slide set to help you do that. Please
help them thrive and rebloom), join us at one of our future meetings contact Terry Brady or Jim Lindauer if you need a copy of these slides.
June 2020 Page 11