Page 408 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 408


                     Age: 128 million years

                     Period: Cretaceous

                     Location: Yixian Formation, Shang Yuan, Liaoning, China

                     One of the most important abilities of dragonflies is their enormous maneuverability. No matter
                     at what speed or which direction it may be flying, the dragonfly can suddenly stop and head off
                     again in the opposite direction. Alternatively, it can hover in the air and wait for a suitable posi-
                     tion from which to attack its prey. From that position it can make a sharp turn and approach the

                     In a very short space of time, it can attain 40 kilometers/hour (25 mph), an astonishing speed for
                     an insect. (Olympic 100-meter sprinters manage only 39 kilometers/hour [24.2 mph].) It is im-
                     possible to account for the magnificent way in which the dragonfly uses its wings by any model

                     of gradual evolution. The wing represents a complete impasse for evolutionists.
                     There is no difference between the oldest dragonfly fossils yet discovered and specimens alive

                     today. There is no trace of any "semi-dragonfly" or a dragonfly whose wings were just develop-
                     ing that lived before the earliest known dragonfly. Like other living things, these insects
                     emerged suddenly and have survived unchanged down to the present day. In other words, they
                     were created by God and never evolved at all.

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