Page 412 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 412
Age: 125 million years
Period: Cretaceous
Location: Santana Formation, Araripe Basin, Brazil
Some grasshopper fossils date back to the Carboniferous Period (354 to 290 million years
ago). Yet despite all the hundreds of millions of years that have passed since, grasshoppers
have remained grasshoppers and never turned into any other life form. If Darwinists' claims
were true, then grasshoppers should have developed and grown ever-stronger due to all their
jumping and have turned into some form of bird. But of course, that never actually came
about. Yet so severe is the logical collapse among Darwinists that they are even able to sign up
to such irrational claims.
The fact revealed by reason, common sense and science is that living things did not evolve,
but were created. Every new fossil reveals the truth of this once again.
410 Atlas of Creation Vol. 3