Page 433 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 433
Harun Yahya
Age: 125 million years
Period: Cretaceous
Location: Santana Formation, Brazil
Darwinists make a great many baseless claims about the origin of life, and there are hundreds of
questions they need to answer. Heading the list of these questions is this:
- Are there any intermediate forms that can be proposed as evidence for the theory of evolution?
The obvious answer to this question—to which Darwinists constantly avoid responding, in order to
avoid having to face the facts, is No! Not one single intermediate form fossil has ever been found in
excavations conducted over the last 150 years.
The fossil record is filled with examples of animals and plants that have survived with all their struc-
tures, never undergoing the least alteration, for hundreds of millions of years. One such specimen is
the 125-million-year-old cricket pictured here. When confronted by these specimens, Darwinists are
condemned to silence.
Adnan Oktar 431