Page 437 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 437

Harun Yahya


             Age: 125 million years
             Period: Cretaceous

             Location: Santana Formation, Brazil

             If, as claimed, all living things evolved, then signs of this should be visible in the fossil record. Fossil dis-
             coveries should reveal the traces of entities in a constant state of progression, with incompletely devel-
             oped systems and organs, slowly turning from one species into another.

             For example, there should be many peculiar fossils of half-crickets and half-flies, or half flies and half-
             butterflies, or whose wings had only partly formed, with a single eye on their abdomens, with feet pro-
             truding from their heads or whose antennae had not appeared.

             Yet the fossil record provides no examples of any such strange, rudimentary creatures. On the contrary,
             countless fossils show that living things emerged with all their limbs and systems complete, and that

             they never changed so long as their species continued to exist. D. S. Woodroff from California University
             says this on the subject:

                 "But fossil species remain unchanged throughout most of their history and the record fails to contain a single
                 example of a significant transition." (D. S. Woodroff, Science, vol. 208, 1980, p. 716)

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