Page 442 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 442


                    Age: 125 million years
                    Period: Cretaceous

                    Location: Santana Formation, Brazil

                    The 125-million-year-old ground cricket fossil pictured here is one of the proofs that deal a lethal
                    blow to Darwinism. The theory of evolution's claims regarding the origins of life have been invali-
                    dated, and the theory has been revealed to be built upon gaps that cannot possibly be filled by re-
                    alistic and scientific data.

                    C. McGowan, an expert on vertebrate paleontology, refers to these significant gaps as follows:

                         ". . . [W]e have so many gaps in the evolutionary history of life, gaps in such key areas as the origin of the
                         multicellular organisms, the origin of the vertebrates, not to mention the origins of most invertebrate

                         groups." (Christopher McGowan, In the Beginning: A Scientist Shows Why the Creationists Are Wrong, New
                         York: Prometheus Books, 1984, p. 95)

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