Page 445 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 445
Harun Yahya
Age: 125 million years
Period: Cretaceous
Location: Santana Formation, Brazil
Although there are countless questions that Darwinists cannot answer, they continue to defend
their theories with blind devotion. For example, they leave unanswered the question of, "What
was the supposed forerunner of the ground cricket?" So do they the question of, "Through what
stages did ground crickets pass in their descent from this supposed forebear?" And also, the
question, "If these creatures developed in stages, how can we account for the fact that ground
crickets that lived 125 million years ago are identical to those alive today?"
The list of such questions can be lengthened enormously. All these unanswered questions are an
indication of the scale of the predicament in which Darwinism finds itself.
Adnan Oktar 443