Page 449 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 449

Harun Yahya

                                 MAYFLY NYMPH

                                 Age: 125 million years

                                 Period: Cretaceous
                                 Location: Santana Formation, Brazil

                                 The 2,500 known species of mayfly belong to the class Ephemeroptera. The appear-
                                 ances, structures and systems of all mayfly fossils discovered to date are exactly the
                                 same. The lack of any structural differences between mayflies that lived in different

                                 eras, despite the intervening millions of years, demolishes the hypotheses put for-
                                 ward by evolutionists. Clearly, that living things are not the product of successive
                                 coincidences and in a state of constant change. Almighty and All-Powerful God has
                                 created all living things.

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