Page 514 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 514
science of their time. With the primitive microscopes at their dis-
posal, they could not observe the lymphatic tissue of the appendix;
and because they could not understand its structure, they regarded
it as useless and included it on their list of functionless vestigial or-
gans. Once more, Darwinism was abetted by the unsophisticated
level of 19th-century science.
This situation also pertained to all the other organs on
Wiedersheim's list. As years went on, the tonsils that were thought
to be vestigial were discovered to have an important role in pro-
tecting the throat from infection, especially before adulthood. It
became known that the tail bone at the base of the spinal column
supported the bones around the pelvis and therefore, if it were
not for it, an individual could not sit comfortably. In addition,
this bone was understood to be the point at which the organs
and muscles of the pelvic region were held together.
In subsequent years, it was found that the thymus, thought
to be vestigial, activates the T-cells and sets the body's immune
Given the primitive level of 19th-century science, system into operation; that the pineal gland is responsible for
the appendix was thought to be a functionless the secretion of essential hormones such as melatonin that con-
and therefore "vestigial" organ.
trols production of the luteinizing hormone; that the thyroid
gland ensures a balanced development of the infant and plays
a role in setting the body's metabolic rate; and that the pituitary gland ensures the correct functioning of
several hormonal glands such as the thyroid, the adrenals and the reproductive glands, as well as control-
ling the skeletal development.
The semi-lunar fold in the corner of the eye that Darwin called vestigial was shown to help clean and
lubricate the eye.
Today, it has been determined that the organs claimed to be vestigial in past years all have definite func-
tions. In their book titled "Vestigial Organs" Are Fully Functional, Dr. Jerry Bergman and Dr. George Howe
set out this fact in detail.
512 Atlas of Creation Vol. 3