Page 517 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 517

Harun Yahya

                     The Panda's Thumb Is
                    Completely Functional
                In order to deny Creation, evolution-
                ists look for flaws and inconsisten-

                cies in nature. Gould's claim
                regarding the panda's thumb is one
                example. Gould is mistaken, how-
                ever, since this bony thumb is not a
                flaw, but on the contrary, facilitates
                movement and prevents tearing of
                the tendons.

                One research published in Nature
                magazine in January 28, 1999
                showed that the panda's thumb is very efficient in the animal's natural
                habitat. This joint study by four Japanese researchers, performed using
                computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging concluded that
                the panda's thumb was "one of the most extraordinary manipulation sys-
                tems" among all mammals. (Endo, H., Yamagiwa, D., Hayashi, Y. H., Koie,
                H., Yamaya, Y. and Kimura, J. 1999. Nature 397: 309-310) Above, a
                schematic model of the panda's hand structure prepared by the experts

                who carried out the study.

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