Page 538 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 538

Today, the horse series
                                                                                                                    gives       evolutionists
                                                                                                                     nothing to hope for. It
                                                                                                                      has been discovered

                                                                                                                      that horses lived at
                                                                                                                     the same time as their
                                                                                                                     supposed        ancestors
                                                                                                                    and even side by side

                                                                                                                    with them, and so evi-
                                                                                                                   dently there is no way to
                                                                                                                   establish an ancestral lin-
                                                                                                                  eage      among        them.

                                                                                                                 Besides, many character-
                                                                                                                 istics discovered in the
                                                                                                                tooth and bone structure of
                                                                                                                horses invalidate this se-

                                                                                                              quence. All this points to one
                   Scientific research has revealed that the scenario of the horse's "evolution" is total
                                                                                                           evident fact: There was never
                   conjecture, a myth devoid of any reality. Like all other living things, horses came into
                                                                                                        any evolutionary relationship
                   being as horses and have never altered throughout the course of their existence on
                                                                                                        among these sequenced creatures.
                  As with all others, these genera in their fossil layers ap-
                  peared all at once. Despite all their efforts, evolutionists have not been able to demonstrate transitional
                  characteristics among these genera, and it's worth a closer look at the horse series that Darwinists once de-
                  fended so intently.

                                         Inconsistency and Admissions by Evolutionists

                       Contrary to the evolutionist scenario displayed in museums and textbooks, the horse series is inconsis-
                  tent in terms of various criteria. First of all, evolutionists have not been able to establish any connection be-
                  tween Eohippus (or Hyracotherium), which they claim begins the sequence, and condylarths, supposedly the
                  ancestors of ungulates.    129
                       In addition, there are inconsistencies within the horse series. Some of the creatures included in the se-

                  quence are proven to have lived at the same time as one another. In January, 1981, National Geographic pub-
                  lished the surprising report that researchers in Nebraska, USA came across thousands of
                  10-million-year-old fossils that had been preserved after a sudden volcanic eruption. This news dealt a se-

                  vere blow to the scenario of horse evolution, because the published photographs of these fossils showed
                  both three-toed and one-toed horses,        130  refuting the claim that genera in the horse series evolved from one
                  another. These creatures, claimed to have an ancestral connection, actually lived at the same time and in the
                  same place, and demonstrated no transitional characteristics that could prove evolution. This discovery
                  demonstrated that the evolutionist propaganda of the horse series, long disseminated in museums and

                  textbooks, was completely imaginary and assembled on the basis of preconceptions.
                       A greater inconsistency committed in the name of Darwinism was Mesohippus and its supposed ances-
                  tors. Jonathan Wells, noted for his criticism of Darwinism in his Icons of Evolution, writes that although

                  Miohippus actually appeared in the fossil record before Mesohippus, it persists after it.           131
                       Interestingly, O.C. Marsh himself mentioned the existence of three-toed horses living in southwestern
                  America at that time and that in this respect, they resembled the extinct Protohippus.             132  The inconsistency of
                  the horse series lies not only in the fact that a genera existed in the same time and place as the so-called "an-
                  cestor" from which it claimed linear descent. No isolated area of the world can be taken by itself as evidence

                  that horses came to be through an evolutionary process. Evolutionists have assembled fragments of fossils

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