Page 534 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 534
the same thing when they inter-
pret any structure in terms of
Hands crippled due to mu- adaptation to current utility
tations while failing to acknowledge
that current utility needs tell us
nothing about how structure
evolved, or indeed how the
evolutionary history of a struc-
ture might itself have influ-
enced the shape and
properties of that structure.
These statements are
very important because in
future, you will probably
encounter such "just-so sto-
ries" in evolutionist literature and especially in the media. Remember, these vain stories rest on no scientific
proof. The same method is always used in their production. First, the advantage of a creature's particular
characteristic or aspect is described, then a scenario is invented to show how this advantage could have
evolved. In practice, of course, there's no limit to the evolutionist theses that could be produced in this way:
"The trunk gives the elephant the ability to gather food from the ground, so it must have evolved for that
purpose," or "The giraffe's neck enables it to reach higher branches so it must have evolved to let the animal
do so." To accept this is to believe that nature looks after the needs of its every creature. That is, it is the
same as believing a myth.
The nature of this myth is becoming clearer and clearer every day.
Reviewing what we've examined since the beginning of this chapter, claiming that the origin of species
is a random evolutionary process was the result of wrong deductions Darwin made in the scientifically un-
sophisticated 19th century. Every 20th-century observation and experiment shows that no mechanism in
nature produces new species, much less higher taxa of living things.
Now that science has destroyed the Darwinist error, it has come to light that the true origin of species
lies in Creation. Almighty God, with His supreme knowledge, has created every living creature.
532 Atlas of Creation Vol. 3