Page 531 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 531
Harun Yahya
d'Aubigne, head of the Orthopedic Department at the University of Paris, makes this important com-
I cannot be satisfied by the idea that fortuitous mutation . . . can explain the complex and rational organiza-
tion of the brain, but also of lungs, heart, kidneys, and even joints and muscles. How is it possible to escape
the idea of some intelligent and organizing force? 115
In short, mutations do not explain Darwin's "origin of species." The Austrian evolutionist biologist
Gerhard Müller, in a book review he wrote for the winter 2006 issue of the Biological Theory journal, ad-
mits the inability of the neo-Darwinian synthetic theory to account for the origin of morphological nov-
Neo-Darwinism cannot explain the origin of living creatures in terms of its two mechanisms, natural
selection and mutation. No genetic data can be yielded through natural selection; only the existing data
is selected. Nor do mutations produce new genetic data; they rarely do not affect the existing data but
usually destroy it. Clearly the origins of genetic data—and therefore, life—have none of these mindless
natural mechanisms.
As Dr. Merle d'Aubigne stated, this origin is an "intelligent and organizing force." This power is
Almighty God with His endless intelligence, knowledge and might. In the Qur'an, God says:
It is He Who originated creation and then regenerates it. That is very easy for Him. His is the most exalted des-
ignation in the heavens and the Earth. He is the Almighty, the All-Wise. (Surat ar-Rum: 27)
Darwinism has tried to deny this reality, but has not succeeded; it has become an outmoded theory
buried in history.
The End of "Just-So Stories"
The attempt to explain the origin of species in terms of evolution has
come to an impasse, as has been openly admitted by evolutionists over
the past few years. The situation is summed up in a 1996 article by evo-
lutionist biologists Gilbert, Opitz and Raff in the magazine,
Developmental Biology. They write: "the origin of species—Darwin's prob-
lem—remains unsolved." 116
But the man in the street is not aware of this situation. The
Darwinist system prefers not to let the public know that in
Darwin's terms, the question of the origin of species is unanswer-
able. Instead, through media and textbooks, it repeats the
myths of evolution. In the world of science, these myths are
called "just-so stories" and constitute the main source of mo-
tivation for those who accept the theory.
You will find one of the most familiar of these sto-
ries—about how humans came to walk on two feet—in
almost every evolutionist text, with slight variations:
Humanoid primates that were the ancestors of human
beings lived among the trees in the African jungles.
Their spines were stooped, and their hands and feet
Darwin was un-
ideally shaped for clinging onto branches. Africa's
able to
jungle expanses later shrank, and humanoids mi- account for "the
origin of species,"
grated to the savannah. In order to be able to see
and it cannot be
above the savannah's tall grasses, they needed to resolved by
stand upright, in other words on their feet. Thus it Darwinism.
was that our ancestors came to stand and walk
Adnan Oktar 529