Page 555 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 555

Harun Yahya

                An 80-million-year-old fossil Velociraptor and alongside, its imaginary reconstruction.
                Velociraptor is one of the fossils put forward as an alleged transitional form in the tale of how birds evolved
                from dinosaurs. Like the others, however, this is nothing more than evolutionists' biased interpretation. The
                feathers shown in the drawing are totally imaginary; in fact, there is no evidence that it had feathers.

                 So, at this point, evolutionists were constrained to develop the inconsistent method known as cladis-
                 With cladistics, Darwinism, purporting to be a theory that starts from and relies on scientific evi-

             dence, has been revealed to be no such thing, but a dogma that distorts scientific evidence, changing it
             according to suppositions—much like Lysenkoism, the official scientific doctrine of the USSR in the time
             of Stalin. It was nonsense concocted by Trofim Lysenko, who rejected the laws of genetics and was an ad-
             herent of Lamarck's theory of inheritance of acquired characteristics. Like Lysenkoism, Darwinism, too,

             thus became recognized as having no basis in science.

                      The Unbridgeable Differences Between Birds and Dinosaurs

                 Not only Prum and Brush's thesis, but every version of the "birds are dinosaurs" theory has been dis-
             credited. The differences in anatomical structure between birds and dinosaurs cannot be bridged by any
             process of evolution. Here I outline some of these differences, examined in detail in my other books:

                 1) The structure of birds' lungs is totally different from that of reptiles and all other land vertebrates.
             Air is unidirectional in birds, it always flows in one direction through the lung. So a bird is able to con-
             stantly take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide at the same time. It is not possible that this structure, pe-
             culiar to birds, could have evolved from the lungs of an ordinary land vertebrate. Any creature

             possessing an intermediate structure could not breathe and therefore, would not survive.                 158
                 2) Embryological comparisons of birds and reptiles made in 2002 by Alan Feduccia and Julie Nowicki
             showed a major difference in the hand structure of the two, proving that it was impossible to establish an
             evolutionary connection between them.          159

                 3) The final comparison between the skulls of the two groups showed the same conclusions. As a re-
             sult of a study he carried out in 1999, Andre Elzanowski concluded that there were "no specific avian sim-
             ilarities found in the jaws and palates of dromaeosaurids [a group of theropod dinosaurs]."       160
                 4) Another difference separating birds from reptiles is their teeth. It is known that in the past, some

             birds had teeth in their beaks—which for a long time was presented as a so-called proof of evolution. But

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