Page 559 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 559
Harun Yahya
can. After speaking about the new legal measures in vari-
ous American states that allow scientific proofs against
Darwinism to be included in textbooks, Johnson com-
The decisive turn of events is occurring not in public
school curricula, but in the minds and writings of
those who know the evidence and have some in-
dependence of mind. Darwinists know they
are losing evidence, not gaining it, and that
they are also losing public support. They
are desperately trying to postpone admit-
ting, for example, that peppered moths
do not rest on tree trunks and that nat-
ural selection does not produce in-
creases in genetic information. They
are also getting practice in explain-
ing away defeats. . . 164
Darwinists must consider how
and why their theory has been criticized.
Most of their colleagues have become aware of all the evidence examined in this book. Some still ignore
these proofs and strive to support Darwinism. Uninformed of scientific developments, they want to live
in the world of the 1950s, what they imagine to be Darwinism's finest days. If asked about proofs for evo-
lution, they avidly propose the discredited Miller Experiment, the so-called gills in the human embryo,
the story of the peppered moths or the fantastic horse series. They ignore the Cambrian Explosion, irre-
ducible complexity and the origins of genetic information. But there is no longer any use for anyone in-
fluenced by outdated books and Darwinist propaganda to cling to this discredited theory. We invite
Darwinists to avoid falling into such a situation, to discard their prejudice, accept the scientific evidence
and see the truth.
Those attached to Darwinism must give up believing blindly in this theory, study the conclusions of
science, and evaluate them without prejudice. If any evidence supports Darwinism, they must announce
it. But when their arguments appear to be wrong, they must face facts and give up their blind attachment
to the theory of evolution.
If sincere in their search, even Darwinism's most avid supporters will see that this theory is a great
deception, as proven by scientific facts.
This scientific collapse of Darwinism is actually reported to us in the Qur'an, where God reveals:
Say: "Truth has come and falsehood has vanished. Falsehood is always bound to vanish." (Surat al-Isra': 81)
Darwinism is a false, deceptive doctrine. It once gained influence by taking advantage of lack of
knowledge and an unsophisticated scientific milieu, and was able to deceive many people. But revela-
tion of the truth, together with the evaluation of the real scientific findings by unprejudiced individuals,
has led to this deception's collapse.
Today's Darwinists are trying to reject, hide or ignore the truth in order to sustain falsehood. But they
are wrong; and in this, have deceived and humiliated themselves. In the Qur'an, God has revealed a
verse from which Darwinists must learn a lesson:
Do not mix up truth with falsehood and knowingly hide the truth. (Surat al-Baqara: 42)
After seeing the truth, it is right to cease resisting it and to embrace it. Up to now, some may have be-
lieved in the lie of evolution because it was instilled in their minds by others. But if they are sincere, in-
stead of running after a deception and being humiliated in this world and the next, they will seek to find
the truth and live according to it. Sincerity and honesty, it must not be forgotten, will be rewarded both
in this life and the next.
Adnan Oktar 557