Page 571 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 571
Harun Yahya
The perception of war as necessary for
the advancement of races or nations is
one result of Darwinist philosophy that
wreaked such destruction. French streets
shattered during World War II, one of the
bloodiest wars ever, are proof of this.
characteristics could be passed on to subsequent generations. For example, they believed that if a black-
smith developed powerful muscles because of his work, his sons would have equally strong muscles. In
that primitive scientific climate, Darwin developed his theory. Neither Darwin nor any who supported
him was able to submit evidence for the theory of evolution from such branches of science as paleon-
tology, biology or anatomy. Moreover, observations and experiments performed in the following years,
and especially new findings obtained in the 20th century, revealed that the theory was clearly wrong.
But despite the theory's scientific weakness, its providing a basis for materialist and atheist thought led
to its immediate adoption by one part of the scientific world.
Certain circles began to apply the theory of evolution to the social sphere, on account of the ideo-
logical messages it contained. It took its place at the root of such 20th-century disasters as genocide,
mass slaughter, civil wars in which brother slew brother, and world wars that ruined nations. Religious
moral values and the virtues they bring with them, were abandoned in favor of the law of the jungle in
Adnan Oktar 569