Page 573 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 573

Harun Yahya

                 Furthermore, killing the sick or handicapped in the name of eugenics, is not only terribly brutal, but
             also contributes nothing whatsoever to social progress. Such an open acceptance of murder will bring
             enormous losses that will spell ruin for society. Today, some 6% of the world's population—some half a
             billion people, a very large number—are handicapped. That would mean that everyone would lose

             someone from his family or circle of acquaintances, and will have acquiesced in their deaths. This will
             open spiritual wounds that wreak great harm on people's psychological well-being. In any society where
             a mother cannot trust her children, children their mother, or brothers each other, where one can allow
             another to be killed at any time, there will be severe degeneration and depression. In any case, a society

             that kills people just because they are handicapped is undergoing a devastating moral collapse. It must
             already have lost all spiritual values, all humanity. Without doubt, to claim progress by means of mur-
             der indicates very serious mental and psychological problems.

                                                                              If a society's needy are mistreated and abandoned to their
                                                                                                  own devices, this leads to tension and
                                                                                                  anger, unless patience and forgiveness
                                                                                                        prevail, encouraged by religious
                                                                                                                          moral values.

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