Page 592 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 592
A black slave
who was tor-
tured and
flogged and
managed to es-
cape in 1863.
During those
years before
the Civil War,
slaves in
America were
flogged, or
Another article in Science magazine made the following comment about some of
Haller's claims:
What was new in the Victorian period was Darwinism... Before 1859, many scientists had
questioned whether blacks were of the same species as whites. After 1859, the evolu-
tionary schema raised additional questions, particularly whether or not Afro-
Americans could survive competition with their white near-relations. The mo-
mentous answer was a resounding no. … The African was inferior be-
cause he represented the "missing link" between ape and Teuton. 39
Of course, this claim is totally unfounded. That people
have different skin colors or different racial or ethnic origins
doesn't make them superior or inferior to anyone else. One
main reason why this deception became prevalent in the 19th cen-
tury was the widespread ignorance of the time, itself due to the
primitive scientific conditions.
590 Atlas of Creation Vol. 3