Page 593 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 593
Harun Yahya
Another example of a scientist known for his racist views was Princeton University's American bi-
ologist Edwin G. Conklin who, like other racists, had no qualms about openly expressing his perverted
Comparison of any modern race with the Neanderthal or Heidelberg types show that... Negroid races more
closely resemble the original stock than the white or yellow races. Every consideration should lead those
who believe in the superiority of the white race to strive to preserve its purity and to establish and maintain
the segregation of the races. 40
William Sollas, a professor of paleontology and geology from Oxford University, set out his views in
his 1911 book Ancient Hunters:
Justice belongs to the strong, and has been meted out to each race according to its strength ... It is not prior-
ity of occupation, but the power to utilize, which establishes a claim to the land. Hence it is a duty which
every race owes to itself, and to the human family as well, to cultivate by every possible means its own
strength: directly it falls behind in regard it pays to this duty, whether in art of science, in breeding or in or-
ganisation for self-defence, it occurs a penalty which Natural Selection, the stern but beneficent tyrant of the
organic world, will assuredly exact, and that speedily, to the full. 41
To say that justice belongs to the strong—a grave error—will lead to terrible social chaos. No matter
what the conditions and circumstances, all people must benefit from true justice, regardless of their col-
or, language or gender. The claim made by Darwinist racists that justice only applies to the strong in no
way reflects the truth. Every individual may wish to acquire things of the highest quality and the most
attractive for himself and for his society, but he is never justified in ignoring the harm he inflicts on oth-
ers in doing so. To claim the opposite violates reason and good conscience.
One can encounter racist views in subsequent years also, even in the writings of evolutionists who
claim not to be racist—as a natural consequence of their belief in evolution. One of these is paleontolo-
gist George Gaylord Simpson who, no matter how strongly he resents being termed a racist, claimed in
an article published in Science magazine that racial differences appeared as a result of evolution, and
that some races are more advanced or back-
ward than others:
Evolution does not necessarily proceed at the
same rate in different populations, so that
among many groups of animals it is possible
to find some species that have evolved more
slowly, hence are now more primitive, as re-
gards some particular trait or even overall. It
is natural to ask—as many have asked—
whether among human races there may not
similarly be some that are more primitive in
one way or another or in general. It is indeed
possible to find single characteristics that are
probably more advanced or more primitive in
one race than in another. 42
The middle of the 20th century saw another surge of
racism in certain regions of the USA. The Ku Klux Klan,
whose ideology was based on violence, was one of the
most prominent supporters of American racism. This orga-
nization supported such errors as the superiority of the
white race and caused the deaths of a great many people.
Adnan Oktar 591