Page 600 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 600



                     Certain drugs companies test their new products on the citizens of countries in Africa, Eastern Europe,
                     Asia and South America, and during the course of these experiments, moral and professional laws are
                     violated. In 1996, a 10-year-old girl weighing only 18.5 kg (40 pounds) and living in the Nigerian city
                     of Kano suffered terrible pain due to meningitis. A world-famous American drug company was test-
                     ing an antibiotic—which had not yet been licensed—on children in a camp it had set up. The drug be-
                     ing tested was of great importance to the company: stock exchanges estimated that if the Food and
                     Drug Authority granted permission for the drug to be used, it would bring the company some $1 bil-
                     lion a year. The firm was unable to find test subjects in America, and so had come to Kano.

                     The firm's doctors began giving the girl an experimental daily dose of 56 mg of this drug. On the third
                     day the girl died. Investigations by the Washington Post showed that drugs testing for profit was be-
                     coming increasingly widespread in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and South America. In order to cir-

                     cumvent the American FDA's strict rules, some American firms were cooperating with doctors in these
                     countries, and tens of thousands of Third World country citizens were being used as guinea pigs in ex-
                     periments. Although a spokesman for the firm in question stated that the experiments had received
                     the necessary permission, experts stated that the meningitis experiment in Nigeria incident was in-
                     compatible with medical ethics and regulations in a number of regards. For example, although exper-
                     iments of this kind should last at least a year, the one in Nigeria lasted only six weeks. Meningitis suf-
                     ferers in America were generally given quick-acting drugs intravenously, but the Nigerian girl was

                     given by mouth a drug that had never been tested on children. Again, in the event of negative affects
                     in tests of this kind, the drug should immediately be stopped and another drug administered. But the
                     drug company continued to give the little girl the same drug until she died.

                     The drug in question never received permission to be used with children. In America, it was restrict-
                     ed in adult use on the grounds that it led to kidney disorders and deaths, and was completely pro-
                     hibited in Europe. This shows just how dangerous it actually was.               1

                      DARWIN'S BODY SNATCHERS                                   Following the publication of The Origin of Species, var-
                                                                                ious enthusiastic Darwinists began looking for the
                     "missing link" in the so-called human evolution. Racist evolutionists believed that the native aborigi-
                     nal peoples of Australia were one of the primitive stages of human evolution. In order to prove this
                     misconception, they began stealing corpses from Aborigines' graves and selling them to American and
                     European museums. Shocking information appeared in the Australian weekly The Bulletin in 1991, un-
                     der the byline of David Monaghan. He worked on the story for 18 months, carried out research in
                     London, and produced a documentary called "Darwin's Body-Snatchers," screened in England on 8

                     October 1990. Some of the information Monaghan provided was along the following lines:

                     • US evolutionists were also strongly involved in this flourishing "industry" of gathering specimens

                     of "subhumans." The Smithsonian Institution in Washington holds the remains of 15,000 individuals
                     of various races. [These collected samples, of course, were by no means human beings of an inferior
                     race, as claimed, but humans of different ethnic origin and races with different physiological struc-

                     • Along with museum curators from around the world, some of the top names in British science were

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