Page 605 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 605
Harun Yahya
Above: A procession of the
Britain's Royal Family in
India under British colonial
rule. Left: The arrival of
British forces occupying
Palestinian lands in the wake
of the Ottoman Empire.
Palestine had enjoyed peace
and security for hundreds of
years under Ottoman rule,
but colonial administration
brought with it chaos, con-
flict, and oppression.
In the interest of the world's civilization it is our duty to enlarge Germany's colonial empire. Thus alone
can we politically, or at least nationally, unite the Germans throughout the world, for only then will they
recognize that German civilization is the most necessary factor in human progress. We must endeavor
to acquire new territories throughout the world by all means in our power, because we must preserve
to Germany the millions of Germans who will be born in the future, and we must provide for them food
and employment. They ought to be enabled to live under a German sky, and to lead a German life. 66
The hunger to acquire new territories, caused by the new imperialism, led to conflicts between
the imperialist countries themselves. Again based on the errors of Darwinism, regarding local peo-
ples as "inferior races" led to enormous cruelties. Imperialists maintained that they were setting out
to bring civilization to the lands in question, but inflicted a terrible amount of tears and suffering.
Social Darwinism and Conflict between Races
One of the aspects of God's having created different races, tribes and nations on Earth is cultural
exchange among them. In the Qur'an, God reveals that He has created different human societies "to
know each other." (Surat al-Hujurat, 13)
According to Social Darwinism's worldview, human beings exist not to get to know one anoth-
er, but to fight. Accordingly, the most important impetus for human progress is conflict between
races and nations. Social Darwinism's irrational assumptions state that in order to emerge victori-
ous from the conflict between races, new discoveries will be made. As a result, the "civilized" and
"superior" will come out on top, and humanity will thus progress. To suggest that people will
progress by killing and massacring one another, persecuting and oppressing others, is nothing more
than barbarism. Disagreements and problems will arise from time to time. Yet all difficulties can be
resolved by peaceful means. To imagine that violence offers a solution only makes the difficulties in
Adnan Oktar 603