Page 606 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
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question even more intractable. As already made clear, nations are perfectly justified in taking precautions
to protect their future interests. But it is both illogical and a violation of good conscience to frame a policy
ignoring the rights of other nations or believing that one nation's interests lie in destroying those of others.
Present-day evolutionists seek to portray Darwin, as "humane" and opposed to racism, but actually he
was a proponent of conflict between races and advanced the lie that the "civilized"—at least in their own
lights—white race would emerge victorious from such conflict. Some lines from Darwin's The Descent of
Man read as follows:
When civilised nations come into contact with barbarians the struggle is short, except where a deadly climate
gives its aid to the native race... The grade of their civilisation seems to be a most important element in the suc-
cess of competing nations. 67
Elsewhere in his book, Darwin refers to the conflict between "savages" and the "civilized," and claims
that the latter will emerge superior. By these totally illusory assumptions, he prepared the groundwork for
the chaos and suffering that would continue for nearly a century.
A great many Darwinists who came after him treated conflict between races as if it were scientific fact.
For example, National Life from the Standpoint of Science by Karl Pearson, a 19th century evolutionary theo-
rist regarded as a follower of Francis Galton, is important in revealing contemporaries' view of inter-racial
conflict and the causes behind the new imperialism. Like other Social Darwinists, Pearson claimed that
conflict between races is necessary, and that struggle within a single race is insufficient for evolution. Some
of these claims of Pearson, which are devoid of any scientific truth, read as follows:
What I have said about bad stock seems to me to hold for the lower races of man. How many centuries, how
many thousand of years, have the Kaffir or the negro held large districts in Africa undisturbed by the white
man? Yet their intertribal struggles have not yet produced a civilization in the least comparable with the Aryan.
Educate and nurture them as you will, I do not believe that you will succeed in modifying the stock. History
African peoples were exploited for years by
Westerners believing in Darwinist deceptions.
604 Atlas of Creation Vol. 3