Page 621 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 621
Harun Yahya
n the light of what has been revealed about Social Darwinism so far, it should be no surprise that
the Nazis, infamous architects of one of the most terrible acts of genocide in history, were tightly
I linked to it.
When one examines the writings, speeches and documents of Hitler and other Nazi ideologues, it's
clear that they founded their policies on Darwinism.
Hitler thought that he could improve human race, as animal breeders do. He claimed that those he
saw as "polluting" the Aryan race, those with genetic illnesses and the weak all needed to be eliminat-
ed; and he ordered the ruthless extermination of millions—proofs that he regarded human beings as an-
imals and was attached to Darwinism. In an article titled "The Nazi Terror," Alexander Kimel—one of
the few to survive the Nazi genocide—emphasizes the link between Darwinism and Nazism and de-
scribes how it was that the Nazis, with their belief in Social Darwinism, were able to treat people like
animals and feel absolutely no pity for them:
Nazism with the acceptance of social Darwinism, equated man with animals, rob him of individual freedom
of making choices, the ability to think for themselves. Brutality, terror, mendacity and ruthless exploitation
of man by men became the norm of behavior. If the same laws of natural selection like the animals rule man,
when the spark of the divine is removed from man's consciousness than [sic] men can be treated like an an-
imals [sic]; he can be bred artificially, and treated like cattle. For example the war and the reckless conduct
of the war brought very high casualties. Hitler tried to improve the situation, not by cutting losses, but by
improving the breeding methods. In Auschwitz ... Mengele [a Nazi doctor] was [sic] conducted "scientific"
experiments on twins, killing them, dissecting them, trying to figure out how to improve the breeding meth-
ods, to double the output of the German women. The Germans were treated like breeding animals the S.S. -
their shepherds and their master breeder - their Fuhrer. The Germans were treated like prize cattle, other na-
tionalities were treated like ordinary cattle and the Jews like vermin. 84
The Nazis adopted this perspective to perpetrate one of the worst acts of genocide ever. The decep-
tion of the "superior race" that Hitler maintained was based on the falsehood of inequality among
groups within a particular species. According to Hitler and his supporters, while some species evolved,
some individuals or groups within that species had remained backward and primitive. This perverted
claim, constituting the bedrock of racism, was one fundamental element of Darwin's theory. In a book
about Auschwitz, Dr. Karl A. Schleunes, a professor of history, accepts Darwinism's so-called scientific
justification for racism:
Adnan Oktar 619