Page 623 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 623

Harun Yahya

                 Regarding different races or a society's poor and
             needy as a kind of burden to be eliminated is inex-
             plicably primitive and barbaric. The Nazis
             sought to conceal their savagery behind a so-

             called scientific mask, citing Darwinism's
             deceptions. Joseph Tenenbaum, author of
             Race and Reich:The Story of an Epoch, sum-
             marizes how Nazi policies took shape:

                 … struggle, selection, and survival of

                 the fittest, all notions and observations
                 arrived at … by Darwin … but already
                 in luxuriant bud in the German social
                 philosophy of the nineteenth century. …

                 Thus developed the doctrine of Germany's in-
                 herent right to rule the world on the basis of su-
                 perior strength … [of a] "hammer and anvil" relation-
                 ship between the Reich and the weaker nations.       87

                 After describing how the Nazis shaped their entire policies ac-
                                                                                                              An image of Germany in 1945
             cording to the lights of Darwinism, missing not a single point,

             Tenenbaum goes on:

                 Their political dictionary was replete with words like space, struggle, selection, and extinction (Ausmerzen).
                 The syllogism of their logic was clearly stated: The world is a jungle in which different nations struggle for
                 space. The stronger win, the weaker die or are killed…       88

                 In the 1933 Nuremberg rally, Hitler proclaimed that "higher race subjects to itself a lower race … a
             right which we see in nature and which," because it was founded on science, "can be regarded as the sole

             conceivable right."   89  By making this claim, he of course defended one of the worst falsehoods in histo-
                 Hitler's words in his "On the Fate of the Nation" speech are a summary of Darwinist views:

                 Among the most motivating factors of life are self-defense and the protection of future generations. Politics

                 is nothing more than people's struggle for survival. This powerful wish to live is universal and directs the
                 entire nation. The desire to survive must lead to conflict, because as well as being unsatisfiable this desire is
                 also the foundation of life. The room to live is limited. Ruthlessness is therefore an inseparable part of hu-
                 manity! Man became lord of the earth as the result of conflicts and constant struggle. This is the superiority
                 not of mankind but of the strength of those who attain power and dominion. There are differences between

                 races. The world took its culture from an elite class. Whatever we see today is all the result of Aryan work
                 and success. However, the real factor in every race that leads to results is the important individuals it man-
                 ages to raise. It is not democratic multitudes that have shaped mankind, but important individuals.           90

                 Hitler's perverted rantings influenced a great many at the time. Tens of thousands of the ignorant
             signed up to these assumptions, products of Hitler's imagination. As already emphasized, the urge for

             conflict or a ruthless struggle for survival does not advance societies' progress. All individuals strive for
             a wealthier, more pleasant life, but achieving that goal is directly proportionate to their society's attach-
             ment to spiritual and moral values. Seeking to eliminate others through endless aggression merely dam-
             ages all parties. Physical or cultural differences do not make one race superior to another. On the con-

             trary, in climates where peace and security prevail, differences are valuable elements that bring about
             cultural enrichment.
                 If these differences are to be transformed into cultural richness, religious moral values are essential.
             No matter what the circumstances, God has commanded people to be forgiving, never to depart from

                                                                                                                          Adnan Oktar    621
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