Page 628 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 628
People dying or
about to die of star-
vation at the
Auschwitz concen-
tration camp, in
which between
three and four mil-
lion people were
killed. The Nazis'
obsession with the
false idea of the
master race, which
they based on so-
cial Darwinism, led
to millions of inno-
cents dying in this
Not just in Germany but in a great many parts of the world, Social Darwinism rejected the moral val-
ues, along with virtues such as compassion, protection, cooperation, sympathy and patience taught by the
Divine religions. In place of these virtues, it claimed that killing those who were incompatible with soci-
ety's interests—through destruction and ruthlessness, all of which belong to satan, the great misleader of
humanity—was actually superior. The hatred they felt for Divine religions lies at the heart of the Nazis' en-
mity towards the Jews.
Yet neo-Nazism still survives in the world, showing that this sick ideology continues to pose a danger.
No matter what name it may go by, the lifestyle that Social Darwinism advances consists solely of conflict,
struggle, bloodshed, war, suffering and fear. Death camps like Auschwitz are where Social Darwinism is
put into practice. Darwinism inevitably leads to Social Darwinism. In a world where Social Darwinism
again comes to rule, new Auschwitzes will be inevitable.
626 Atlas of Creation Vol. 3