Page 629 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 629
Harun Yahya
Hitler Was a Tyrant Because He Was a Social Darwinist
Hitler and the other Nazi leaders experienced no guilt over the savagery they inflicted for so many
years, and even regarded themselves as heroes. They thought of themselves as saviors who would bring
about the evolution of humanity, to whom later evolved generations would feel grateful. That, howev-
er, was a lie.
The dangerous ideas that resulted from Hitler's sick mentality were
broadened and put into practice under the influence of Social Darwinism.
According to his ideology, concentration camps were not prisons where in-
nocents were tortured and exterminated, but rather places of quarantine
where sickly, weak and undesirable elements were isolated for the pro-
tection of the master race. Thus Darwinism went down in histo-
ry as a false science that constituted the basic philosophy of a
war and genocide that inflicted the worst destruction, suffer-
ing and terror in history. Hitler himself went down as a tyrant
who implemented this false science.
Three Yugoslavs, whom the German occupying
forces killed and put on public display in 1940.
Adnan Oktar 627