Page 678 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 678

these circumstances, the killing of one human being is not a crime or immoral, but a genetic compulsion to

                  further one's own interests. Since genes are selfish, so is their behavior. Dawkins' view of human beings is
                  exceptionally dangerous and implies the fragmentation of social morality.
                       In fact, however, the selfish gene claim is illogical and nonsensical, since Dawkins and others like him
                  describe genes as entities with consciousness and willpower. Yet genes are long chains of DNA—spiral lad-

                  ders of nucleic acids held together by sugar and phosphate strands. In the same way that H2O (water)or
                  H2SO4 (sulfuric acid) are molecules, so is DNA a molecule. In the same way that it is impossible to speak
                  of "selfish water," "selfish salt" or "jealous sulfuric acid," neither can one speak of "selfish genes."
                       Evolutionists depict human beings as collections of matter, and somehow try to ascribe reasoning

                  somewhere within that assortment. That they can ascribe reasoning and consciousness to genes shows how
                  inconsistent the theory of evolution has become. Today, Darwinism maintains that there is reason and con-
                  sciousness in molecules, and in the inanimate atoms that comprise these molecules, and has replaced the
                  paganism that ascribed reason and consciousness to idols of stone or wood.

                       Another Dilemma for Evolution: Altruistic "Genes"

                       According to the theory of evolution, in nature there is a struggle to death in which only the strong sur-

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