Page 676 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
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tion is actually the evolution of genes. In his book Sociobiology: The New Synthesis, he expresses this unsci-
entific claim thus:
In a Darwinist sense, the organism does not live for itself. Its primary function is not even to reproduce other
organisms; it reproduces genes, and it serves as their temporary carrier. Each organism generated by sexual re-
production is a unique, accidental subset of all the genes constituting the species. Natural selection is the
process whereby certain genes gain representation in the following generations superior to that of other genes
located at the same chromosome positions. ... But the individual organism is only their vehicle, part of an elab-
orate device to preserve and spread them with the least possible biochemical perturbation. Samuel Butler's fa-
mous aphorism, that the chicken is only egg's way of making another egg, has been modernized: the organism
is only DNA's way of making more DNA. 182
Wilson's claims were solely the result of evolutionist preconceptions. Even among evolutionists, some
objected to Wilson's conjecture. One of them was Stephen Jay Gould:
But Wilson makes much stronger claims. Chapter 27 ... is primarily, an extended speculation on the existence of
genes for specific and variable traits in human behavior – including spite, aggression, xenophobia, conformity,
homosexuality, and the characteristic behavioral differences between men and women in Western society. 183
With the evolutionist zoologist Richard Dawkins, evolutionist speculation concerning human behavior
that began with Wilson reached an unbelievable and illogical peak.
Dawkins and "Selfish-Gene" Bearing Robots
As a result of the unscientific claims made about genes by sociobiology and its extension, evolutionary
psychology, the "selfish gene" deception was put forward and popularized by Richard Dawkins.
According to him, a living thing's most important objective is survival and reproduction—in short,
protecting its genes and passing them on to subsequent generations. This claim is entirely speculation.
According to this conjecture of the theory of evolution, inanimate chemical substances at one time or-
ganized themselves (however that actually happened), and established a DNA-based system capable of re-
producing itself. The first organism to emerge from this imaginary chemical soup was a gene with no pur-
pose other than to multiply. Somehow, it "decided" to copy itself, and began doing so, producing new
genes. As a result of errors during this copying process, genes with different features emerged. Later, these
genetic materials "learned" in some way how to constitute various bodies and thus reproduce these genet-
ic materials more effectively. The genes that encoded the best body were thus copied more effectively than
others. Evolutionists maintain that as a result of this, the how and why of which they can't account for,
bodies gradually developed in terms of form and function. This story, which could not possibly have tak-
en place, constitutes one of the fundamental claims of modern Darwinism. Yet evolutionists are also per-
fectly well aware that it is impossible for the human body, any organ in it, the cells that comprise such or-
gans, or even a single component of these cells to have brought itself into being.
Dawkins, however, took this myth as his starting point and claimed that there is "competition" between
genes. He set out his distorted view of humanity in his book The Selfish Gene:
We are survival machines—robot vehicles blindly programmed to preserve the selfish molecules known as
genes. This is a truth which still fills me with astonishment. Though I have known it for years, I never seem to
get fully used to it. One of my hopes is that I may have some success in astonishing others... 184
According to Dawkins' illogical claim, a human being is simply a gene-bearing robot. Its only reason
for existence is to multiply the genes it bears, support them in competition with other genes, and to pass
them on to subsequent generations. It is evident that this claim, ignoring the existence of the soul and re-
garding the human being as a mechanical device, lacks any realistic aspect.
Nonetheless, the majority of evolutionists seeking a materialist explanation have supported this un-
scientific theory of Dawkins'. In his book Human Nature, Wilson maintains that human beings acquire im-
portance and purpose only through their genes:
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