Page 671 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 671

Harun Yahya

                                                                                                          The graph to the side shows
                                                                                                          the enormous rise in crime
                                                                                                          levels over the last 30 years.
                                                                                                          The more societies distance
                                                                                                          themselves from religious
                                                                                                          moral values, the greater the
                                                                                                          ensuing moral collapse and
                                                                                                          crime levels.

             has formed a shelter under which idiots and cretins have crept and bred." Again according to Ross: "The

             state gathers the deaf mutes into its sheltering arm, and a race of deaf mutes is in process of formation."
             Since these actions obstruct so-called natural evolutionary development, he declared that the shortest
             way to better this world was to leave all such people on their own to be eventually eliminated through
             natural selection.  176

                 What a ruthless view this is! Man is possessed of a conscience, and conscience commands one to pro-
             tect the weak, the down-and-out and the poor. Otherwise, if man loses his ability "to think like a human
             being," then he really will achieve a position inferior to that of animals—because animals show great sol-
             idarity and cooperation. (For detailed information, see Harun Yahya's Devotion Among Animals: Revealing

             the Work of God, Global Publishing, Istanbul.)
                 Ross is not the only Social Darwinist to place scant value on human life. A great many share his ter-
             rifying ideas. For example, the evolutionist Peter Singer, Princeton University's professor of bioethics,
             goes so far as to say that people with severe physical handicaps must be regarded as unworthy of life.

             He expressed this cruel opinion in the following terms:

                 If we compare a severely defective human infant with ... a dog or a pig, for example, we will often find the
                 nonhuman to have superior capacities... Only the fact that the defective infant is a member of the species
                 Homo sapiens leads it to be treated differently from the dog or pig. Species alone, however, is not morally rel-
                 evant... 177

                 Singer went even further and said that the mentally handicapped might be killed in scientific ex-

             periments or even for food purposes! Singer's exact words are:

                 Mental defectives do not have a right to life, and therefore might be killed for food – if we should develop a
                 taste for human flesh – or for the purpose of scientific experimentation.      178

                 Even such revolting and savage behavior can be supported in Darwinist logic. Joseph Fletcher, for-
             mer president of the Right to Die Society, makes a similar claim regarding the mentally handicapped:

                 Humans without some minimum of intelligence or mental capacity are not persons, no matter how many of
                 their organs are active, no matter how spontaneous their living processes ... [Idiots] are not, never were, and

                 never will be in any degree responsible. Idiots, that is to say, are not human.     179

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