Page 672 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 672

The killing of newborn babies is yet another practice condoned by Darwinism, which attaches no val-

                  ue to human life. Darwinism condones such an unconscionable idea: If looking after a newborn poses a
                  hardship for the parents that will hold them back in their struggle for survival, then in evolutionary terms,
                  that baby should be killed. Darwin claimed that animals were frequently observed to kill their newborn,

                  and that this was an important factor in population control. In an article in Science magazine, the evolu-
                  tionist Barbara Burke has this to say:

                       Among some animal species, then, infant killing appears to be a natural practice. Could it be natural for hu-
                       mans, too, a trait inherited from our primate ancestors? ... Charles Darwin noted in The Descent of Man that in-
                       fanticide has been "probably the most important of all checks" on population growth throughout most human

                       history. 180
                       As we have seen earlier, Darwinists like Haeckel encouraged suicide and claimed that those who

                  thought life was unbearable had the right to put an end to it. Yet God has made the taking of one's own
                  life a sin.
                       All these savage practices and beliefs—eugenics, euthanasia and racism—show how Darwinism is an
                  ideology that attaches no value to human life, and is constructed on myths of no scientific value.

                       The fact is that the life of every single human being is of great importance. Under Qur'anic moral val-
                  ues, people regard each other as valuable and important, and sacrifice for one another. A believer will give
                  food to someone else, even if he needs it himself:

                       They give food, despite their love for it, to the poor and orphans and captives. (Surat al-Insan, 8)
                       Muslims are charged with protecting the poor, helping the abandoned and protecting orphans, help-
                  less women and men, children and the elderly. In one verse, for example, God has commanded people not

                  even to say "Ugh!" to their parents (Surat al-Isra', 23) and always to "say the best" to one another (Surat al-
                  Isra', 53). In another verse, God reveals: "... if someone kills another person—unless it is in retaliation for
                  someone else or for causing corruption in the Earth—it is as if he had murdered all humanity. And if
                  anyone gives life to another person, it is as if he had given life to all humanity." (Surat al-Ma'ida, 32)

                       It's a manifest truth that a society where everyone regards every human being as having reason and
                  conscience, as valuable and important will be filled with peace, security, love and respect.

                  According to the Darwinist mindset, which regards man as a species of animal, humans are of little
                  worth. Under Social Darwinist logic, nothing must be done to help people who are suffering in pain
                  and fear; and such people are abandoned without help or protection. However, under Islamic moral
                  values, every believer is responsible for striving to ensure others' peace, security and well-being.

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