Page 686 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 686
It is essential that the materialist world view be defeated intellectually if this vicious circle is to come
to an end and let humanity achieve a world of peace and happiness. It is therefore of the greatest impor-
tance that people should know that Darwinism has suffered a total scientific collapse and learn about the
terrible catastrophes that ensue when it is put into practice.
In addition, those taken in by the error of Darwinism need to realize that the theory of evolution, de-
fended despite all its deficiencies and errors, is now left with no scientific validity whatsoever. Every ad-
vance made in the world of science confirms that the theory of evolution is consigned to the dusty shelves
of history. Furthermore, as revealed throughout this book, experience shows that the life model put for-
ward by the theory of evolution brings nothing but oppression, injustice and ruthlessness, loss and suffer-
ing. Darwinists, too, therefore need to realize the evils encouraged by their theory, and to cease their sup-
port for it forthwith. Our hope is that this book will help those taken in by Darwinism's errors see that they
have made a grave mistake.
684 Atlas of Creation Vol. 3