Page 696 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 696
Someone who looks out the window at
the scenery does not actually view an
image which is outside of him, but
rather the image that belongs to the
scenery in his brain.
Light that reaches one's
eye is converted into
electric signals by the
cells in the eye and trans-
THE SCENERY SIGHT mitted to the visual cen-
MADE UP OF ter at the back of the
ELECTRIC SIGNALS brain. "A consciousness"
within our brain receives
the electric signals that
enter the brain, and per-
ceives them as scenery.
We can therefore conclude that everything we see, touch and hear merely exists in our brains. This is a
scientific truth, proven with scientific evidence. The significant point is the answer to the question asked
above, which this scientific truth has led us to ask; who is it that has no eye, but watches sights through a
window in our brains and enjoys or becomes anxious from these sights? This will be explained in the fol-
lowing pages.
694 Atlas of Creation Vol. 3