Page 700 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 700

A person watching a small child playing with a ball is actually not seeing him with his or her eyes. Eyes are only responsible
                     for delivering light to the back of the eyes. When light reaches the retina, an upside-down and two-dimensional view of the
                     child is formed on the retina. Subsequently this view of the child is converted into an electric current, which is then transmit-
                     ted to the visual center at the back of the brain, where the child's figure is seen perfectly in three dimensions. Who then sees
                     the child's figure in three dimensions with perfect clarity at the back of the brain? Clearly, the entity we are dealing with is the
                     Soul, which is a being beyond the brain.

                       Even though we have given a simple explanation, in reality the physiology of vision is an extraordinary

                  operation. Without fail, light is converted into electrical signals, and, subsequently, these electrical signals
                  reveal a colorful, shining, three-dimensional world. R. L. Gregory, in his book Eye and Brain: The Psychology
                  of Seeing, acknowledges this significant fact, and explains this incredible structure:

                       We are given tiny distorted upside-down images in the eyes, and we see separate solid objects in surrounding
                       space. From the patterns of simulation on the retinas we perceive the world of objects, and this is nothing short

                       of a miracle. 2

                       All of these facts lead to the same conclusion. Throughout our lives, we always assume that the world
                  exists outside of us. However, the world is within us. Although we believe that the world lies outside us, it
                  is in the smallest part of our brain. For example, the CEO of a company might consider the company build-
                  ing, his car in the parking lot, his house by the beach, his yacht, and all the people who work for him, his

                  lawyers, his family, and his friends to be outside of his body. However, all of these things are merely visions
                  formed in his skull, in a tiny part of his brain.
                       He is unaware of this fact and, even if he knew, would not bother to think about it. If he stood proudly
                  next to his latest-model luxury car, and the wind blew a piece of dust or a small object into his eye, he might

                  gently scratch his itching, open eye and notice that the "material things" he saw moved upside down or to
                  the sides. He might then realize that material things seen in the environment are not stable.
                       What this demonstrates is that every person throughout his or her life witnesses everything inside
                  their brain and cannot reach the specific material objects that supposedly cause their experiences. The

                  images we see are copies in our brains of the objects that we assume to exist outside of us. We can never
                  know to what extent these copies resemble the originals, or whether or not the originals even exist.

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