Page 702 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 702
Although German psychiatry professor Hoimar Von Ditfurth is a materialist, he acknowledges this fact
about scientific reality:
No matter how we put the argument, the result doesn't change. What stands before us in full shape and what
our eyes view is not the "world". It is only its image, a resemblance, a projection whose association with the
original is open to discussion. 3
For example, when you take a look at the room in which you are sitting, what you see is not the room
outside of you, but a copy of the room that exists in your brain. You will never be able to see the original
room with your sense organs.
How can a bright and colorful image appear in your dark brain?
There is another point that should not be neglected; light cannot pass through the skull. The physical
Although the fact that all of our senses are formed inside our brains has been scientifically proven, some people still
claim that the originals of the images we see exist outside our brains. However, they will never be able to prove this
claim. Additionally, although they believe the material exists outside of their brains, as mentioned before, light,
sound or colors do not exist outside of our brains. Light only exists outside in the form of energy waves and packets
of energy, and we only become aware of light when it hits the retina. Similarly, there is no sound. There are only en-
ergy waves. Sound only forms when these energy waves reach our ears and are subsequently transmitted to our
brains. There is no color outside, either. When we say "there is no color" people might think of a view of black, white
or gray. In fact, these are also colors. In the world outside of our brains even the colors of black, white and gray do
not exist. Only energy waves in varying strength and frequency exist, and these energy waves are only converted
into colors through the cells in the eye and the brain.
Quantum physics is another branch of science which shows that claims for the existence of matter are unjustified.
The most important truth discovered by quantum physics, which leaves materialists speechless, is that matter is
99.9999999% empty. In his studies of physics and psychology, Peter Russell often makes comments about human
consciousness. In an essay adapted from his book, From Science To God, Russell explains this truth thusly:
Take, for example, our ideas as to the nature of matter. For two thousand years it was believed that atoms were tiny
balls of solid matter-a model clearly drawn from everyday experience. Then, as physicists discovered that atoms
were composed of more elementary, subatomic, particles (electrons, protons, neutrons, and suchlike), the model
shifted to one of a central nucleus surrounded by orbiting electrons-again a model based on experience.
An atom may be small, a mere billionth of an inch across, but these subatomic particles are a hundred-thousand times smaller
still. Imagine the nucleus of an atom magnified to the size of a grain of rice. The whole atom would then be the size of a football
stadium, and the electrons would be other grains of rice flying round the stands. As the early twentieth-century British physi-
cist Sir Arthur Eddington put it, "matter is mostly ghostly empty space"99.9999999 percent empty space, to be a little more
With the advent of quantum theory, it was found that even these minute subatomic particles were themselves far from solid. In
fact, they are not much like matter at all-at least nothing like matter as we know it. They can't be pinned down and measured
precisely. They are more like fuzzy clouds of potential existence, with no definite location. Much of the time they seem more like
waves than particles. (Peter Russell, The Mystery of Consciousness and the Meaning of Light, 12 Oct 2000,
We can thus see that, while many claim that what they see in their brains exists outside themselves, science shows
us that beyond the confines of our brain, there are only energy waves and energy packets. Beyond our brain there is
no light, no sound and no color. Additionally, atoms and subatomic particles that form a material are actually loose
groups of energy. As a result, although some people believe in the existence of material, material is comprised of
In reality, God creates matter through a vision with these qualities.
700 Atlas of Creation Vol. 3